Get connected at Swinburne!

A semester-long initiative that eases the transition of commencing students by being paired
with experienced students to provide guidance and assistance, fostering their personal
growth while developing leadership and professional skills.


Why become a Mentee?

  • MEET other Swinburne students at meetings and events
  • LEARN from the experiences of other students
  • RECEIVE support and guidance during your transition to uni – academic support is not offered as part of the program
  • EXPLORE uni life outside academics
  • BUILD confidence in yourself, personally and professionally
  • GROW through peer support

Why become a Mentor?

  • HELP and inspire students to fulfil their potential at Swinburne
  • SUPPORT students who are going through similar challenges that you might've experienced
  • MEET other students at meetings and events
  • IMPROVE your employability by developing skills in areas like communication, leadership, and networking
  • LOG volunteering hours for your contributions
  • RECEIVE recognition and references
  • GROW through peer support


You get out what you put into our program by making it your own!

Mentee: To ease the transition from high school to university, through education of resources and
services provided from an experienced Swinburne student.

Mentor: To build knowledge, leadership, and professional skills through guiding Mentees through the
resources and services available at Swinburne.

Mentor Leader: To cultivate knowledge, leadership, and professional skills by nurturing students
through personal and professional experiences to better equip them to be a flourishing Swinburne student.


Uni is about so much more than classes and assessments – it's also about the people you meet and the
relationships you form! Students involved in the program have reported feeling more connected and positive,
which in turn can lead to improved academic performance and general wellbeing.

If you are a student studying online (e.g., Swinburne Online) please join the 
online Student Mentor Program.

Important dates

  • Month prior to the semester starting – Mentees and Mentors start signing up for the program; Mentors complete onboarding and training.
  • Orientation weekMentees, Mentors, and Mentor Leaders are matched and the first round of the Mentoring Connections are published.
  • Week one – Start meeting with your Mentoring Connection.
  • Week two – the final round of the Mentoring Connections are published for Mentees and Mentors who sign up late.
  • After week two– Mentees and Mentors who sign up late will not be matched and are encouraged to opt into the program for the following semester.
  • After week 12 – Mentee and Mentor accounts are deactivated.
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